Friday, February 07, 2025




The Opera EDM of Hibernate and Victoria Gydov has the scene talking. We caught up with Hibernate for a chat

Who is your favorite artist from EDM outside your own specific genre?
I don’t really make just one specific genre, as most of my fans already know. But as for artists I enjoy who’s style I am far away from, I would have to say its on the more alternative side of things. I really like the French style, as in M83 and Air. Not quite sure if that is EDM, but it is quite electronic and very cool. M83 made a really cool soundtrack for a French film called ‘You and the Night’ and it was really good. I recommend both the soundtrack and the film.

Tell us something that really surprised you.
I liked BT’s whole Twitter gunning session on the current state of EDM. It is cool to see that some people still retain passion for true artistic expression even after they achieve massive success as he has. It is apparent that he truly loves music, and that it means something to him outside of popularity and dollars. I would really, really love to hear him do a remix of my latest tune ‘Lux Tua’. I think he would just love the musicality of it, and perhaps make something with it that is even better than the original.

Is there something that is really fucked up in the DJ scene? How would we go about to change that?
Of course there is. Tons. I don’t even know where to start with this question. My biggest concern is the level of genre-dependency 99% of Djs have. It just seems that everyone has their own little sound, and almost never stray from it. They end up getting this super intense tunnel vision in terms of the music they support. I think its bad, bad, bad. What happens is that producers know this, and start to produce music that is itself very narrow in terms of musicality. They fear that without conformity they will not be heard…and they are right. I realize that there is an acceptable degree of conformity, but as it stands right now it is just too much. Even I myself am not innocent of the affects of this phenomenon.

Does gear matter when being creative? Or should an artist be able to go with anything to awe their fans?
That is like saying “do ingredients matter when you make a tomato sauce?” Sure they matter. What ever you put into your musical sauce will change its flavour. That being said, the chef is the most important element. I believe an artist should ‘be able’ to make music with anything, but if he really wants to create sounds and textures to being people into a new sonic atmosphere, he should seriously consider his tools, and choose the ones which best compliment the music.

Have you ever felt really disappointed about someone you did business with?
You know I make electronic music right?

Should more DJs learn the music theory, or doesn’t it matter that much when it comes to dance music?
I think it depends on the kind of DJ you are. If you play anything melodic than it will definitely help you to know some basic music theory. All of my music has melody – and some even complex melody – so for my my University studies in music definitely helped. But if you are making atonal tekno or something similar, part of the coolness of that music is that its producers are musically illiterate. I think it actually adds to the way the come up with ideas. Rather than relying on musical ability they develop a kind of digital expression.

Have you ever been arrested and if so, what happened?
Yeah sure. A few times. Hasn’t everyone? Nothing major though and I am definitely not a violent guy. It was New Years Eve, and I was talking to some girl and we were hitting it off. Then she went to the bathroom and I waited for her. A tall, well dressed gay man walked up to me and said ‘buddy, leave it alone nothing is gonna happen’. I am not quite sure why, as we were getting along quite nicely. I told him to leave me alone, and that I wanted to hear the girl say this. It just felt so weird! He then told the bouncer to have me removed because ‘being aggressive’, which of course I was not. After my friends and I spent over 1000 bucks in that place, they kicked me out in the street on NYE. So I got pissed off and picked up a small tree and threw it through their window. I was so pissed. So the bouncers ganged up on me, and kicked me in the face a few times, then the police came and arrested me. This is the kind of strange, corrupt social behaviour that happens with you are dealing with Toronto bar people….and it is why I left.

What can we expect from the course of your label this year?
Alpha Milk is on track to release up to 40 songs this year! Most of them will be Hibernate but also a few new artists, Toronto’s ‘Hurray For Excess’ being one of them. We will be hearing a lot of musically rich, tonally complex sounds that seek to re-define what is normal for EDM. The operatic nature of Lux Tua is just the beginning. At Alpha Milk we really love to innovate, while at the same time giving Djs what they love: deep and hard beats.

Are there other DJs from the scene that really annoy you?
So many shit-tons. But I need to wait for them to do something to me personally before I go on the offensive. Patience, the time will come.

What is the most difficult thing to deal with when you are on tour?
Theft. I used to have a JP-8000 and I recorded my first major hit ‘Tranzcanada’ with it. I played a gig at a rave and someone stole it! The insurance company gave me the cash and I purchased a Waldorf Microwave with the money. That is gone now as well.

Do you feel the dubstep generation understands the techno and house generation or not? As someone from the house and techno generation, do you feel dubstep?
I have to say that no, not really. It is just too much stuff happening at once, and sounds artificial to me. I am not ‘against it’ or anything, as it does take some talent to make, but it lacks the musical flow I feel is important in any music. It is like non-stop noise for a generation that loses its listening focus after 3 seconds. Louis CK agrees.

Is there a final thing you would like to say to our readers?
Just that I would love it if you all could give my music a chance. Listen for depth and soul in music..even if it is EDM. Electronic music is supposed to have artistic value as well. I will always make music under Hibernate that presents real musicality, rich tones and a lasting message, so enjoy.

Where can people find you online?

I am really trying to get the AlphaMilkRecordings youtube channel going. Here it is:


Thanks again for taking the time for this interview!


For more information about this release, please contact Wilf Libgott of www.hammarica.com | wilf@hammarica.com


Victoria Gydov official site: www.victoriagydov.com
Victoria Gydov youtube: www.youtube.com/ionbri

Alpha Milk Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCS8Z3oIzVdHWVMYplmCeIWw
Alpha Milk Facebook: www.facebook.com/AlphaMilkRecordings?ref=hl
Alpha Milk official site: www.alphamilkrecordings.com
Hibernate Facebook: www.facebook.com/Official.Hibernate?ref=hl
Angry Muffin Facebook: www.facebook.com/angrymuffinmusic?fref=ts
Hibernate official site: www.hibernate.net
Angry Muffin official site: www.angrymuffin.net
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ALPHA_MILK
