Friday, February 07, 2025

Hammarica.com Daily DJ Interview: SYDNEY BLU


DJ Interviews

Her success has been built-upon numerous hit singles and relentless world touring. Following the success of her releases (including the chart-topping ‘Give It Up For Me’ on Mau5trap Recordings being one of Beatport’s highest selling songs and making her the only female electronic producer to ever have a top 10 hit on the website), SYDNEY BLU developed and founded her own record label Blu Music, which has produced several chart-topping singles over the years. Steady support from global heavyweights such as Tiesto, Paul Van Dyk, Deadmau5, Robbie Rivera, & Funkagenda has propelled Sydney Blu and Blu Music to the forefront of the dance music scene, as well as the top of the charts.


From Canada, you moved to Miami Florida. How did you adapt to Miami life as opposed to living in Canada?

I loved it. I lived on the beach for 3 years and it was amazing to go outside everyday to the hot weather. Was very loud and crazy leaving on the beach but I liked it for the time I was there. I am relocating to LA now.

Sydney BluWhat’s coming up for your label Blu Music?

Really massive things. We are packed with big releases until spring. We also are doing another huge show in MIAMI for WMC ..so lots going on!

You are one of the most successful female artists in EDM. Would you like to be able to break more female artists and what would be your plan of doing so?

I think female artists have to break themselves. However, if I heard an amazing female producer looking to get signed and the music fit my label.. I would love to help break her. I respect female producers so much.

How do you keep in touch with your fan base?

Usually twitter and facebook. I do most of my own Social networking when it comes to interacting with fans. I try to respond or say thanks to anyone reaching out saying they like my work. I really appreciate my fans and their support. Some of them are die hard and have been following me for years. I wouldn’t be anywhere without them.

Tell us something that really surprised you.

In regards to the industry ? These days nothing surprises me !!

Dance Music Blog

Describe the wildest party from the last two months.

New Years…or should I say New years day. I played Scottsdale Arizona for Relentless Beats at Smashboxx and my set started at 7am. It was insanity…proper afterhours.. I have done it the last 2 years in a row and it’s been very wild.

Have you ever felt really disappointed about someone you did business with?

Yes, many times. That’s the music industry though. people let you down all the time….but I try to focus on the ones that don’t. There’s lots of great people to work with in this industry….working with the right people is key.

Dance Music NewsShare one track with us which you currently play and describe with detail why it is such a great production.

Nineteen 59 – Christian Falero & Adrian Villaverde. This is a record coming out on my label next week. It’s got a dirty electro baseline and the vocal is brilliant. I have been playing the song for the past 6 months and it’s finally coming out. The crowd response is insane when I play it. Thomas Gold is currently this records biggest supporter 🙂

Do you have any bad habits that are bad for your career?

I think I’m pretty good with no bad habits… I keep in shape.. I do yoga.. and I work my ass off.

What is the nicest thing a fan ever said to you?

There have been a few amazing moments for sure. I get a lot of incredible messages from people on facebook. Probably one of my biggest compliments was someone told me his little daughter would watch my youtube videos and want to be like me. This little girl was only 10 years old..it was very sweet.

Dance Music MagazineWho has been your biggest influence when it comes to your career as an artist and why?

probably Madonna because I just look up to her as a strong female musician. She has a lot of haters but has managed to become the #1 female artist of all time….. it’s amazing.

When was the last time you cried?

Haha I’m not going to tell you that…!

Have you tried the Dubstep DJ Name Generator on Hammarica.com? What was your result?

Bass Wobbler haha

Is there a final thing you would like to say to our readers?

Just keep in touch with my music on Beatport and itunes. …i have tons of music coming out in 2013 and I’d love for everyone to get their hands on it. I also have a really cool Radio show called BLU RADIO that airs on Electronic Sound Stage/iheart Radio and itunes/soundcloud as a podcast.

DJ Interviews


